Showing Tag: "auction" (Show all posts)

The Penny Auction

Posted by Robb Briggs on Thursday, September 22, 2011,

We often go online and search in order to find things that we want. We go to the internet to search and find things because the internet has a wide market and we can often find here the best buys. We can find in the internet individuals or companies that have lots of things to sell either brand new or second hand/slightly used. There are a lot of ways on how to buy and sell things in the internet but the most popular and the most enjoyable to buy and sell things is through the penny auction.

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What are items on bid and what is the process in bidding?

Posted by Robb Briggs on Thursday, September 8, 2011,

Auction is a very broad thing. It covers almost anything available for bidding. Common items available for the public include appliances, jewelries, furniture. Specific selections for specific individuals may also be available in certain auction houses. Items like paintings and other art related stuffs may not be open to the public as only few individuals are actually fascinated to art stuffs.

The biding starts always with a certain amount or at times it may even start at zero. Depending o...

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