Showing Tag: "computer" (Show all posts)

The Computer Sound System

Posted by Robb Briggs on Thursday, September 22, 2011,

The sound system of our computer is really important. This is because the computer sound systems is the one that we used in listening to songs and watching movies in our computer. In order to make our computer sound system to be the best, we really need to buy a brand new computer sound card. We can also add external speakers or we can just connect our computer to the sound system of our stereo.

The sound card is the one that increase the slot in the tower of our computer. It is the one tha...

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Ways to Make Your Computer Run Faster

Posted by Robb Briggs on Thursday, September 22, 2011,

We are now in the computer age. Everything is run by computers. We use computers everyday. We do all the office or school work in our computer and we have the tendency to put many files on it. Most of the time, this becomes a problem because putting many things on our computer makes our computer work slower and it can really be irritating and annoying.

To know how to make your computer faster, we have to remove or clean out something. The first on the list that should be removed is the pers...

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Speeding Up Your Laptop

Posted by Robb Briggs on Thursday, September 8, 2011,

Have you ever tried using your laptop and everything is in slow motion- slow motion in a sense that even in just saving a file, it takes 15 minutes or so? If you are then your laptop is really working slow and you need to make an action on how to make your computer faster.

In making your laptop faster all you need to do are these things: To remember that you always have to make your laptop cool. Laptops generate a lot of heat and the heat that they generate can affect their performance. The...

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