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Wordtracker & Internet Marketer

Posted by Robb Briggs on Thursday, December 15, 2011,

Wordtracker is an internet program that tracks the exact phrases or words used by people on the search engines to find things.  Tom Libelt says you can type in any subject matter or any words and phrases and the Wordtracker will produce the top 300 phrases incorporating that subject matter that were used in searches for the last 60 days.  It is very accurate and it draws information from a database of over 300 million searches and in fact, Wordtracker is considered to be the bible of internet...

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The Effects Of Technology Over Marketing

Posted by Robb Briggs on Wednesday, November 30, 2011,

Almost all people nowadays have computers and one cannot deny the fact that computers have become a part of our daily lives especially to those who make their living through the internet.  The internet itself has ascended and sped up like neurons in the brain.  With the fast-growing networks like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and easy accessibility of internet through mobile phones, the effortlessness of wanting to buy something is made so uncomplicated these days.  This implies that internet ma...

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