Showing Tag: "symptoms" (Show all posts)

What You Should Know About Genital Warts Before Treating Them

Posted by Robb Briggs on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, In : Health 

Genital wart is a sexually transmitted disease that is caused by the human papillomavirus.  Medically, it is also called as condylomata acuminate.  It is an abnormal growth surrounding the vagina, rectum or penis.  If in cases that you have this condition, it is important to subject yourself to series of treatments.  It is essential that you know the different types of genital warts wherein some types are noticeable while others are concealed.  In worst cases, warts that are concealed can be ...

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Dealing With Heartburn

Posted by Robb Briggs on Thursday, September 22, 2011,

Heartburn is not a heart disease. It is a digestive disorder. Heartburn is both a normal and abnormal condition. It is normal because the usual causes of heartburn are our lifestyle and/or eating habits. It is abnormal because it can be a cause of a serious medical condition like Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD.

The simple causes of heartburn are acidic foods, fatty foods, fried foods, alcohol and caffeine rich drinks, chocolates, smoking, lying down after a large meal, e...

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Dealing With Acid Reflux and its symptoms

Posted by Robb Briggs on Saturday, August 13, 2011,

Gastroesophageal Reflux disease or acid reflux occurs when the acid from the stomach goes back to the esophagus. This is caused by the weakening of the Lower esophageal sphincter or LES. The LES serves as a gate or a passageway of the food from the esophagus into the stomach and it prevents stomach acid from going back to the esophagus.

The weakening of the Lower esophageal sphincter is caused by the lifestyle that person has. Here are the causes of acid reflux:

OBESITY- when a person is ...

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