When you are short of cash and you cannot afford just yet to get brand new tires, the only option is to buy used cheap tires.  One of the best place to buy used tire is the custom wheel shops.  Individual who are into cars buy the best tires for their vehicles, so when they get new tires, they usually still have good tires on their cars.  Another great place to go to for cheap used tires is auto swap shops and auto flea markets.  It sometimes takes time to check these places out, but if you do, you are in for a good find.  The good thing about this kind of market is that you can talk them down and will actually lower the price of the used tires.  Check also the junk yards because they usually have all kinds of vehicles that have been wrecked but the tires are in great shape.  Rummage around and be patient and look for a good deal.  But in buying used tires, you need to be careful and inspect them very closely.  Look for at least 50% good tread life left and for small cracks, they are probably dried up by the sun if the tires have not been used for a while.  Look also for scrapes at the sidewalls and any plugs where it was possibly flat before.  Do not forget to ask the dealer to submerge the tires in the water and look for bubbles because bubbles from the tires spell leaks.